“You’ve lost some weight” Why does this make me happy?

We all like when we get compliments. We get compliments in different ways like “You have pretty eyes”, “You are very kind”, “You are cute” etc. They make us happy. There’s nothing wrong with that.

But “You have lost some weight”, “You have become thinner” are not compliments. They are like comments on our bodies. But why do I feel happy when someone says such things to me as if I’m getting compliments.

The answer is simple :

I thought getting thinner means getting prettier.

And there’s wrong with that thought.

That thought made me feel insecure about my body, gave me low confidence and self-esteem. It made me think I was not enough and all Iam is how I appear.

It’s not just about me. There are many women out there who go through the same, maybe in different ways. Some for being too thin, too dark, too fair,too short, too tall, having scars, marks, hair etc.

Beauty is usually connected with appearance. But there’s more to that.

These thoughts and feelings have stopped us from being truly ourself.

We’re more than our measurements.

It’s high time we broadened our perspective on beauty.

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

Beauty is how you perceive yourself or others. It’s not just about the surface but deeper than that. It’s about everything that makes us who we are. Our attitude, knowledge, kindness, love, interests, confidence, determination, goals etc.

Let’s not confine it with looks.

I know it’s easier said than done.

But still we can try not to judge ourselves on how we look but rather focus on who we’re and embrace everything about ourselves.

Most importantly, let’s not comment or judge others on their appearances.

Let’s see beneath the surface and be kind to eachother

For we were made to encourage eachother.

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